Monorean Pro Guide
The advanced version of the Monorean earpieces.
How to put the earpiece into your ear
Inserting the Monorean hidden earpiece into your ear is simple. A clean ear is required for proper installation: before you begin, we recommend using Q-tips or cotton swabs and an ear cleaning spray like Audispray.
Tilt your head as shown in the video, drop the hidden earpiece into your ear, and shake your head a few times. You should experience a “drop of water” sensation that will be over in seconds. If you do not or have not felt it, extract the earpiece and repeat the procedure.
If you can’t hear through the earpiece or the volume is very low, extract the earpiece and repeat the process. Please do not push the earpiece; it should slide in on its own.
How do I know if the hidden earpiece is installed correctly?
The hidden earpiece will be in place when you can hear your partner clearly through the device and have experienced the “drop of water” sensation. If you can’t hear your partner in the earpiece or the volume isn’t loud enough, it’s because it’s not inserted far enough into your ear canal.
IMPORTANT: You won’t hear anything if the earpiece is not in place, or you’ll hear sound very faintly.
Once installed, you can have your partner examine your ear. If your partner notices that the hidden earpiece is not properly installed, you will most likely not hear anything. Now you can understand why Monorean is the best way to cheat on an exam without anyone noticing.
We recommend that you insert one earpiece into each ear.
Another way to ensure proper installation in your ear is to tilt your head towards the floor, as shown in the image below, and ensure the hidden earpiece doesn’t move or fall out.
How does the earpiece work?
The Monorean hidden earpiece does not make a sound; instead, it vibrates! The earpiece works by vibrating inside your ear —very gently— moving the skin and muscles inside your ear canal to ensure a crisp sound. Since your eardrum and ear canal are connected, vibrations in the ear canal are transmitted to your eardrum, causing it to move. Because your brain interprets vibrations from the eardrum as sound, you’ll be able to listen to your partner quietly during the exam. If the earpiece is placed too far away from your eardrum, the vibrations will be very weak, resulting in a very low volume. For this reason, the hidden earpiece must be situated close to the eardrum.
In conclusion, this is how the earpiece works; it makes no sound. That’s why no one around you will be able to hear the earpiece concealed in your ear. This is the secret why Monorean is considered the best exam cheating technique.
The audio quality and volume will be exceptionally clear when correctly installed.
I just hear in one earpiece
The hidden earpiece doubles as a mirror. This means that if one of the earpieces is working, the other is too. If you only hear out of one of the earpieces, it’s because the other earpiece isn’t positioned correctly. Simply follow the steps outlined in this guide to ensure the proper installation of the other earpiece.
I felt the drop of water sensation but the volume is too low
This can happen. You may have inserted the earpiece deep inside your ear canal, but not enough. Because the skin in the ear canal is very sensitive, you may have felt the “drop of water” sensation despite the earpiece not being in place. The hidden earpiece is most likely not in its correct position.
Simply remove the hidden earpiece and repeat the procedure.
Is it easy to install the earpiece?
Yes, it is. Putting the earpiece in properly is as simple as letting it fall into place. Even though many of our users are able to insert the earpiece correctly on the first try, a small percentage fail to install the earpiece correctly on the first attempt. If this is the case, simply follow this guide to learn how to do it properly. Once you’ve mastered the technique, installing the earpiece takes up to three seconds per ear. Even if you are a pro, you may need to extract the earpiece and drop it in again if you are not satisfied with its positioning.
The extractor magnet technique
How to put the earpiece like an expert!
Sometimes the hidden earpiece is almost in place and only requires a slight push. Alternatively, you can remove the earpiece and repeat the process, but you can also try to placing the black extractor magnet behind your ear (where the ear touches or meets the neck). You’ll notice that this moves the earpiece and aids in re-positioning the earpiece. NOTE: This technique is not perfect, but it can be useful.
What do I do if I still can’t hear sound?
Don’t worry— if you can’t hear anything, it means that the earpiece is not correctly installed. Correct installation is required to hear audio through the hidden earpiece. We recommend that you practice and repeat the installation process described here until you are able to hear properly.
Any wax residue inside the ear may hinder installation.
Some people tend to accumulate more earwax, especially in the internal side of the ear canal, which may create a wax plug that will hinder the ability to place the earpiece into the ear and not permit the earpiece to slide into its correct position. Nevertheless, this is not the case with all users, and most likely, it indicates that the earpiece is not installed correctly and requires a bit more practice.
If this is the case, consider seeing a medical professional to have your ears cleaned and any wax plugs removed. Instead of going to the doctor, you could try a home wash kit like the Tilcare ear cleaning kit. You may also try cleaning your ear with Audispray Ultra